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Writer's picturePaco

So What’s The Big Deal About Grandchildren?

As I was gradually establishing my own family and my three wonderful children were born and growing by leaps and bounds, I often heard the comment from older family and friends “if you and your wife think life is great with your three kids, just you wait until the grand children won’t believe how special that is!” Oh my good Lord...I never could have imagined just how correct that prediction would come to be. It was just at the time I didn’t want to even think about my kids having kids of their own...especially my daughter (hey...give me a break ya know...she was my little princess!).

Of course the years flew by, we all grew older far too quickly and eventually there were significant others, then marriages and finally that most amazing event and surely one of life’s greatest gifts...the first grand-child came forth. As my wife and I stood in my daughter-in-law’s hospital room and she and my son passed my first grandson into my arms I was literally unprepared for my reaction…even with the incredible excitement of that overall event. We seemed to lock eyes, he grabbed onto my thumb with his tiny fist…and he instantly had my heart and soul wrapped about him. I’m not sure how to adequately express it in words, but the feeling was real, it was palpable and it was wonderfully electric. I was instantly at peace with myself and with the world around “us”. Like a clap of thunder, a bond of love was forged…the gift of life and of love…a true blessing from God.

We are now fortunately blessed with five terrific grandchildren. Each one an individual with a unique character, each one precious to the core, each one a generator of stories, of humor, even of supportive tears and of course of pure unadulterated love. To hear how I really feel about my grandkids, just open my original song highlighted on this website “You Are My Life”, and let it in turn shine a light for you into my heart’s inner chambers.

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